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Wednesday, 8 November 2017

How to Create a New Post using Blogger Post Editor, FOLLOW MY STEPS.

Create a new post using Blogger Post Editor

Blogger Post Editor Overview

You have a lot of things to learn about Blogger Post Editor such as How to —
  1. Create a new Post
  2. Publish a Post
  3. Insert Images or Videos
  4. Add Links
  5. Add Labels
  6. Align Text
  7. Set Numbered list and Bullet list
  8. And more
But before you learn those things I want to give you a quick Overview about
Blogger Post Editor.

Go to Blogger Post Editor

  1. Sign in to Blogger with your Google Email and Password.
  2. In the left top, click this icon Down Arrow Icon and choose the blog.
  3. In the left menu, click Posts > New post.

Blogger Post Editor Overview

After clicking Create new post button you will see the editor page like below 

How to Create a New Post using Blogger Post Editor

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a new post using Blogger Post Editor and a bit description about — Publish, Save, Preview, Close, Update and Revert to draft buttons.

Go to Post Editor Page

  1. Sign in to Blogger with your Google Email and Password.
  2. In the left top, click this icon Down Arrow Icon and choose the blog.
  3. In the left menu, click Posts > New post.

Create a New Post

To create a new post, follow the steps — insert a relevant title, insert content and labels and then publish.

Insert a Relevant Title

The title field is a field of what type of content you are providing. So always try to give a title that relevant to your content and keyword based.

Insert Content & Labels

  1. Insert Content — You can insert text, images, videos, etc. in the content area.
  2. Add Label — Insert at least one Label per post. Use comma “,” to separate labels.

Tip: Labels should be logical or keyword based. For example, if your post title is How to Create a New Post using Blogger Post Editor then Blogger or Blogger Tutorial can be used as a label name. Or use them together ( e.g. Blogger, Blogger Tutorial ).

Publish, Save, Preview and Close Buttons

You will see there are 4 buttons right now — Publish, Save, Preview and Close.
Blogger Post Publish, Save, Preview and Close Buttons
  1. Publish — To publish a post, click Publish button but make sure your post is completely ready.
  2. Save — If you are not interested to publish your post immediately then click Save button to save into Draft for now. All the saved posts can be found in Draft under the Post tab.
  3. Preview — Click Preview button to see a post how it looks like before publishing.
  4. Close — To close the page, click Close button. Make sure all changes are saved before closing otherwise you will get a message “You have unsaved changes that will be lost”.

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Update and Revert to draft buttons

There are still 2 more buttons ─ Update and Revert to draft will appear after publishing a post.
Blogger Post Update and Revert to draft Buttons
  1. Update — If a post is already published then the Update button will appear. After editing or changing anything, click Update button to update the post again.
  2. Revert to draft — If you want to revert a published post to draft, then click the Revert to draftbutton.
Now I am providing an animate image below to show you how to create a new post simply .

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